Please join us for a workshop about these two projects:
Thursday, July 10
6:00 PM
University Place Management Office
1045 E.H. Crump
Members of the team developing the sites at Legends Park and University Place will be on hand to tell artists about the sites, the master plans for each site, and the history of the area. UAC staff will present a community-based project to help you think about ways to approach your project. UAC staff will also be on hand to answer any questions about the proposal process.
The deadline for Legends Park and University Place is August 6, 2008. Please see our
website for more information.
Legends Park - formerly Dixie Homes
This development is located on Poplar Avenue close to Downtown. These two pictures show the site in its current pre-construction state.

This shows the area across the street from the development - a parking lot and Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center, which is constructing a new building at Poplar and Dunlap.

Poplar Avenue

University Place - formerly Lamar Terrace
This development is located on Lamar Avenue in Midtown, adjacent to I-240. This picture shows this complex area, with the development to the right, and a pedestrian bridge in front of the interstate on the left. Note that the truck on the far left of the picture is coming from the I-240 off-ramp onto Lamar Avenue.

In addition to vehicular traffic, this area gets pedestrian traffic. This entrance connects the public sidewalk to a walkway in front of the development.

More pictures of University Place: