Friday, December 19, 2008
Percent-for-Art in Nashville
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Map of UrbanArt Projects!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Rugby Gates Dedication
Councilwoman Barbara Swearengen Ware of District 7 came out to say a few words.
Artist Gregg Schlanger thanking all of the people who helped him with the project.
Gregg and his family.
Friday, December 12, 2008
White Station Middle School - Artwork Dedication
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Artwork Dedication December 13

Celebrating the Completion of a Community Public Art Project
Memphis, TN – Saturday, December 13 at 3:00 PM, UrbanArt is hosting a celebration of the completion of the Rugby Gates project. The celebration will take place at the 20-foot-tall columns just north of the intersection of Overton Crossing and James Road, adjacent to Madea’s at 2665 Overton Crossing.
Rugby Gates is a City of Memphis Percent-for-Art project and was a part of the Overton Crossing road-widening project. Artist Gregg Schlanger of Clarksville, TN, worked closely with the community of Rugby and with the greater Frayser community to collect stories and history about the area and the people who live here.
The project consists of the two 20-foot-tall columns and ten 5-foot columns that repeat the gateway motif as one travels up Overton Crossing. Schlanger chose to make the columns out of brick due to Frayser once being the home of Memphis’s brick yards. He received 80,000 pounds of donated clay not only from Frayser, but from the original farm of Dr. John Frayser for whom the area was named.
Schlanger focused on a few community icons such as a water tower that formerly stood at the top of Overton Crossing near Vine Street, a stone gateway that was near where the large columns now stand, street cars that ran from downtown Memphis and an old train bridge over the nearby Wolf River.
The collected images were carved into the brick columns, creating relief images. In addition, he made 100 clay tiles carved with the likenesses of people from the area: people who helped with the project, historical figures and images that represent the people’s stories. There are 10 carved tiles on each small column.
Twenty-six local high school students were hired to assist in making the bricks at Arkwings, which is located around the corner from the project, and was set up as a temporary brickyard for the project. These bricks were stamped with over 400 names submitted by people who live in the neighborhood. Schlanger worked with high school students and the Frayser Community Development Corporation to hand out 2500 flyers door-to-door in the area to request names for the bricks.
The project was commissioned by the UrbanArt Commission for the City of Memphis. UrbanArt oversees the City’s Percent-for-Art program. UrbanArt’s mission is to create a dynamic, vibrant, nurturing community through art and design.
For more information contact Elizabeth Alley, Director of Public Art, or John Weeden, Executive Director, at 901. 454.0474.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Artwork Dedication December 11
and the UrbanArt Commission invite you to attend the dedication for the artwork by
Kristi Duckworth at White Station Middle School
Thursday, December 11th, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.
5465 Mason Rd., Memphis, TN 38120
Kristi Duckworth
Map Mosaic
The theme “Diversity” was chosen to reflect the wide range of backgrounds and ethnicities of the students at White Station Middle School. Over a two-month period students in grades six through eight, faculty, and administrators created individual tiles reflecting the foods, culture, and landmarks of countries, creatures of the oceans, and objects in outer space. The sun rising above the earth represents harmony and hope. The artist hopes to inspire current and future students to find the world around them an interesting place, fostering tolerance and exploration. The completed mosaic contains over 250,000 tiles, and a time capsule is located inside the bench.
For additional information,
contact UrbanArt Commission 454-0474
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Artwork Dedication Event for Dave Wells Community Center
Date: Saturday, November 8
Time: Noon to 2:00 PM
Location: Dave Wells Community Center, 915 Chelsea Avenue at Ayers Street
Please call Laura Caroline Johnson at (901) 454-0473 for more information.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Black Bayou Fence - Community Day
The UrbanArt Commission and artist-blacksmith John Golightly are hosting a Community Day to give area residents the opportunity to create a piece of art for the Black Bayou Fence. For this City of Memphis Percent-for-Art project, John created a fence that runs along Black Bayou on Goodman between Park and Douglass. This event gives everyone the opportunity to be personally involved with this project by forging a cotton leaf and putting their name on it.
Date: Saturday, November 8
Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: Goodman between Park and Douglass
Please call Elizabeth Alley at (901) 454-0472 for more information.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
First Tennessee ArtForum
For the fifth time since the opening of the FedExForum, the UrbanArt Commission is facilitating the selection of artwork to display in the First Tennessee Bank Club Level at the arena.
A committee will select up to 4 artists to exhibit artwork such as paintings, photographs, drawings, prints, or 3-dimensional works. Selected artists will receive a $2500 honorarium and will have his or her artwork installed in the First Tennessee Club Level at FedExForum for one year.
The deadline for artists to submit work for consideration is September 8, and they will be notified by mid-September. A reception will be held at the arena in early October.
For project guidelines, please visit our website.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions:
Elizabeth Alley, 901.454.0472,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Legends Park/University Place Due August 6
Please note our new address:
2549 Broad Avenue
Memphis, TN 38112
If you are delivering your materials, please call first - our new main number is 901-454-0474.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Auction Street Traffic Circle Project
Artist James Russell of Lomita, CA, is currently installing the sculpture Zephyr at the Auction Street traffic circle on Mud Island.
The Auction Street Traffic Circle project is a City of Memphis Percent for Art project, created in conjunction with the Riverfront Development Corporation (RDC). The RDC wanted the art enhancement to help obstruct the view of traffic to force drivers to slow down as they go around the circle, and it works - you can't help but look at the sculpture!
James Russell created the 16’ tall stainless steel sculpture for the location, comprised of two graceful arching elements.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Legends Park/University Place
Thursday, July 10
6:00 PM
University Place Management Office
1045 E.H. Crump
Members of the team developing the sites at Legends Park and University Place will be on hand to tell artists about the sites, the master plans for each site, and the history of the area. UAC staff will present a community-based project to help you think about ways to approach your project. UAC staff will also be on hand to answer any questions about the proposal process.
The deadline for Legends Park and University Place is August 6, 2008. Please see our website for more information.
Legends Park - formerly Dixie Homes
This development is located on Poplar Avenue close to Downtown. These two pictures show the site in its current pre-construction state.
This shows the area across the street from the development - a parking lot and Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center, which is constructing a new building at Poplar and Dunlap.
Poplar Avenue
University Place - formerly Lamar Terrace
This development is located on Lamar Avenue in Midtown, adjacent to I-240. This picture shows this complex area, with the development to the right, and a pedestrian bridge in front of the interstate on the left. Note that the truck on the far left of the picture is coming from the I-240 off-ramp onto Lamar Avenue.
In addition to vehicular traffic, this area gets pedestrian traffic. This entrance connects the public sidewalk to a walkway in front of the development.
More pictures of University Place:
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Two New City of Memphis Projects
Memphis, TN
Deadline: 8/6/08
The UrbanArt Commission is seeking artists to develop enhancements for Legends Park (formerly Dixie Homes) and University Place (formerly Lamar Terrace). These projects are made possible through the City of Memphis, working in conjunction with the Memphis Housing Authority and the Division of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
Budgets for these projects are $75,000 for Legends Park, for the design concept plus build-out of an enhancement for a main gathering area, and which should focus on the history and community that was Dixie Homes; and $100,000 for University Place, for a large-impact enhancement for a retention pond area that will be visible to pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and will be in front of the development’s senior building.
An artists’ workshop will be held Thursday, July 10th at 6PM to give artists a chance to learn more about these projects, including site information and the history of the areas. The workshop will be at the University Place Management Office at 1045 E.H. Crump Boulevard.
All artists who currently live in the U.S. are invited to submit proposals by 4:00 PM on Wednesday, August 6th, 2008. Application guidelines are available from the UAC and at, and artists are encouraged to call the UAC with any questions regarding this project or the selection process.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Call To Artists for Nashville
Tennessee Arts Commission, Nashville, TN
Deadline: Friday, July 18, 2008 by 4:00 p.m. CST.
Budget: Up to $35,000
The Tennessee Arts Commission requests qualifications from professional artists for the creation of a sculpture to commemorate the first African Americans who served in the Tennessee General Assembly. This memorial will take form in a four-foot bronze portrait bust bearing the likeness of Representative Sampson W. Keeble of Nashville. The final piece will be displayed in a half-cylindrical wall niche on the second floor of the State Capitol Building in Nashville, TN. This project is open to established visual artists living in the United States with a minimum of two years professional experience. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply for this opportunity.
For further information, including guidelines and application procedures, visit the Commission’s Web site at: or email Julie Roberts, Director of Visual Arts, Craft and Media:
Friday, May 30, 2008
Advocacy At Work: Thank You.
I would like to express my most sincere thanks to those of you who have taken the time to voice your support of the UrbanArt Commission and the Percent-for-Art program to your elected Memphis City Council representatives.
I've heard from members of the Council as well as their administrative staff that they have received numerous calls and emails praising the work of the UAC and the role of public art in strengthening the social and cultural health of our city.
I am incredibly proud of your efforts in communicating our collective belief in the importance of public art in such a fast, and effective manner. Your advocacy is invaluable.
Please encourage your friends and colleagues to express their support with an email to their Council representative as well. All City Council contact information is publicly available at the City's website.
If you are interested to learn of UrbanArt projects by district, please contact us at, for a comprehensive list.
Here are some quick facts for your reference:
• The UrbanArt Commission is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works as a subcontractor for the City of Memphis to administer the Percent-for-Art Program.
• Operating funds are termed ‘O&M’ for Operating and Maintenance, this is the section of the City budget that compensates UrbanArt for administering the Percent-for-Art Program. UrbanArt’s ‘O&M’ budget for FY09 is $130,000.
• Percent-for-Art projects are funded by the City’s Capital Improvements Plan, or the ‘CIP’ budget. UrbanArt’s CIP budget is 1% of the budget for new construction on all City-funded building projects. The sum UrbanArt is allocated is capped by law, never to exceed $1M in any single fiscal year.
As for the current state of affairs, we will keep you updated on this issue as developments progress.
Thank you again for supporting us, and for letting your city know that art matters.
Be well,
John Weeden,
Executive Director
Friday, May 23, 2008
New Memphis City School Projects
Memphis City Schools is renovating Colonial Middle School and building a new K-8, Riverwood Farms. Images and additional information about each of the schools can be found on the UrbanArt Commission website at
The goal of each project is to use public art to provide an interactive, visual stimulus enhancing students’ reading, writing, computation, thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills; to provide a welcoming and pleasing environment reaffirming the importance of schools; and to create a sense of ownership in the school.
It is expected that the art enhancements will be functional elements integral to the buildings. However, free-standing artwork may be appropriate at some sites. Though the design of the schools is virtually identical, each school has its own unique needs and Colonial Middle has a long-standing history within the community. Examples of the site plans for the schools can be found below. Artists are encouraged to research the school and to contact the UrbanArt Commission for more information about each school. Artists may submit a proposal for a specific school or outline a general approach to developing a theme.
Student involvement in the creation of the artwork or in direct interaction with the artwork allows students to take ownership of the art. As this happens a sense of community develops. Projects should include participatory elements, whether it is participation in the visioning or the creation of the artwork or ongoing interaction with the artwork.
Art Enhancement Budgets:
Colonial Middle School $170,000
Riverwood Farms K-8 $166,559.20
Proposal Deadline: 4:00 pm, June 27, 2008
Artist Eligibility: National
All professional artists residing in the United States, regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, or handicap, are invited to submit proposals for this project. Preference will be given to artists living in the City of Memphis and to graduates of Memphis City Schools. Professional artists may include fine artists, architects, landscape architects and other design professionals provided they are not the project architect or an employee of the project architect. Artists should have experience or demonstrate skills in one or more of the following areas: working with students; public art projects; collaborating with others towards an artwork/art enhancement; working with community based organizations; and working with committees/boards towards an arts-related goal. It is the policy of the Board of Education to select a diverse group of qualified professional artists that represent a wide variety of artistic styles, media and subject matter to design public artworks that best meet the needs of the students.
Artists will be selected based on the materials submitted – please see the Application Guidelines below. Selection for this project will be made by a panel made up of representatives of Memphis City Schools, a Community Representative, an Arts Professional, and a Visual Artist. The UAC Project Manager will attend meetings but is not a voting member of the panel. The panel will be looking at the merit of the artists’ work, past experience at completing projects on time and within budget, and appropriateness of the proposed concept for the community.
Though specific concepts are not required, the selection panel would like a general idea of your approach to this project. Please see the questions listed in the guidelines to help you develop your letter of interest. You are welcome to submit drawings, but they should not be larger than 8 ½ x 11 and should not be originals.
Although specific concepts are not required, some level of student participation should be part of the project. Suggestions of student participation include:
• Working with students directly (workshops) or indirectly (collecting information from the student body) during the design process and/or the fabrication process.
• Designing an enhancement to be interactive and informative to insure relevance for many generations.
Application Guidelines
• Typed, one-page letter of interest that explains your general concept including theme and materials.
• A sketch may be included but must be no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. Artists with no previous
experience in public art are encouraged to send some type of visual representation of their concept. Do not send original artwork.
• Resume, not to exceed 2 pages.
• Images of your work – either slides or digital, following these guidelines: Please note that only the first five images may be viewed during the first round of selection.
Slides – up to 10 slides labeled with your name and artwork title, in a plastic slide sheet.
Digital – up to 10 digital images. Images must be JPEG format, 1920 pixels maximum
on the longest side, 72 dpi, with compression settings resulting in the best image
quality under 2MB file size. (This is a new policy – please call if you have questions.)
• Image identification sheet
• List of three references, including current phone number.
• Self-addressed, stamped envelope with postage sufficient for the return of your materials. Materials will not be returned without one.
Send applications to:
UrbanArt Commission
Attn: Colonial/Riverwood
8 South Third Street, Suite 100
Memphis, TN 38103
For more information contact the UrbanArt Commission:
Elizabeth Alley, Director of Public Art
Commissioning of artists by the UrbanArt Commission and the pursuit of all UrbanArt Commission activities are implemented without preference to racial or ethnic origins, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disability or age. The UrbanArt Commission reserves the right to modify this solicitation and to request additional information or proposals from any or all participating artists. The UrbanArt Commission reserves the right to accept or reject, at any time prior to the commissioning of a work, any or all proposals when the acceptance, rejection, waiver or advertisement would be in the best interest of the project. In addition, the
UrbanArt Commission may solicit proposals from artists not responding to this call and reserves the right to select an artist outside of the pool of artists responding to this call.
The staff of the UrbanArtCommission shall be responsible for all correspondence and communication by and between applicants and members of selection panels. Discussion regarding these projects by and between any applicant and any member of a selection panel outside of regularly scheduled meetings during the selection process may be grounds for the disqualification of the applicant. Such determination shall be in the sole discretion of the UrbanArt Commission.
A Few Out-of-Town Projects.
The Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, in conjunction with Sacramento County, invites artists to submit qualifications for potential inclusion in a pre-qualified artist database for upcoming public art opportunities at the Sacramento International Airport. This project, with a budget of $5 million, is the largest public art project in the history of the County. A number of selection panels will be established to review applications for the purpose of establishing a pool of qualified artists working in a variety of media. Media appropriate to the Airport Art Program includes sculpture, ceramic, mosaics, art glass, multi-media, artist-designed lighting elements, or any other durable materials suitable for long-term exposure in an airport environment.
Information of the Airport Art Program and an application form may be found at: The deadline for applications is August 4, 2008.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Open Call to Artists - Public Art Opportunity for Mission/Cliff Bungalow Promenade
The City of Calgary Public Art Program and Community Cultural Development, in conjunction with Parks, is seeking requests for proposals from artists and other individuals interested in the opportunity to provide an arts-based community development opportunity to the communities of Mission/Cliff Bungalow. The successful candidate will design, create and implement a public art project that will reconnect the community to its history and the river by providing a point of interest on the new promenade. The project will involve the community in all aspects of its development.
The Mission/Cliff Bungalow Promenade Project is part of a larger initiative by the Parks department in conjunction with the Community Association, Heritage and Carson McCulloch landscape architects to redevelop the bike path and walkway along the Elbow River. The Community Association is working to engage the communities of Mission and Cliff Bungalow in the use of this new promenade, making it an active gathering space and source of pride for the area.
This competition is open to local, national and international artists.
The budget for each phase is $4,000 CDN for a total of $12,000 CDN.
Submissions must be received by Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 16:30 hours MST.
Please see attached PDF for the Request for Proposal # PA-2008-1001. Should additional information be required please contact Jon C. Waks at 403-268-2843 or electronically at
Resources for artists, including tips and hints about open calls and a list of current opportunities are online at The City of Calgary Public Art Program page:
NOTE: We are not asking for a concept at this time. Only those artists who have been short listed will be asked to submit a design concept for this project.
Lauderhill, FL
The City of Lauderhill announces a new public art project at the Ilene Lieberman Botanical Gardens. The project budget is $20,000 and the Art Selection Committee is open to commissioning site-specific work and/or purchasing existing artwork. Interested artists can view the new call by going to the website and clicking appropriate titled link on the
City's web-site:
The submission deadline will be 2:45 p.m., Monday, June 30, 2008
For more information, contact Ms. DeLesa E. Parrish, Public Art Board Staff Assistant, City of Lauderhill, City Hall, Suite 211, Corporate Park at Inverrary, 3800 Inverrary Boulevard, Lauderhill, Florida 33319, 954-730-3078, E-Mail:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Please join us for a visit to
Greely Myatt's studio!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
6:00 PM
416 S. Main Street
Local artist and University of Memphis professor, Greely Myatt, will be opening his studio to the public. Myatt, whose Cloudy Thoughts billboard can be seen on Madison Avenue through the end of May, has worked on a number of projects for the UrbanArt Commission. During this studio visit, the artist will be focusing on his two projects for the UAC, Cloudy Thoughts, which was completed as part of the UAC's 10th Anniversary Interactions/Interruptions temporary installations, and his equipment screen that will be installed outside of City Hall in the coming months. Fabrication, installation, and the public art process with the UrbanArt Commission will be discussed.
For more information contact the UrbanArt Commission 901.525.0880 or visit
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Visit Dan Corson and His Lasers - May 9
6:30 PM
Center for Southern Folklore
119 S. Main Street
in Pembroke Square at Peabody Place
Dan Corson's temporary public art piece in Downtown Memphis uses laser light and infrared technology to track people as they walk down the sidewalk, outlining the "auras" of passers-by.
Those who attend the reception/talk will be invited to view the project after dark at the corner of South Main and Peabody Place in front of Peabody Place Tower.
This installation will be up May 10 - May 26. It is one of ten temporary public art projects being installed as part of the UrbanArt Commission's 10th Anniversary.
For more information contact the UrbanArt Commission 901.525.0880 or visit
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Rick Lowe, Founder of Project Row Houses - May 8

Houston Artist Lectures on Revitalization
Thursday, May 8
6:30 PM
Memphis College of Art Callicott Auditorium
1930 Poplar Avenue in Overton Park
As a follow up to the April screening of the documentary Third Ward, TX, the UAC is hosting a discussion with the Project Row Houses’ founder, Rick Lowe.
Lowe, an artist based out of Houston, established the Project Row Houses program on the principle that art and the community creating it can “revitalize even the most depressed inner-city neighborhoods, for the mutual good of existing and future residents.” The program was designed to create a sense of community through art, culture, and history.
This lecture will be held as part of the UAC’s Arts Build Communities Grant through ArtsMemphis. The UAC was established in 1997 through the collaborative efforts of the Memphis Arts Council and the Shelby County Government. The mission of the UrbanArt Commission is to create a dynamic, vibrant, nurturing community through art and design. The UAC is funded in part by the Greater Memphis Arts Council, Tennessee Arts Commission and the Hyde Foundation.
For more information contact Laura Caroline Johnson at (901) 525-0807.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Don't Forget!
Friday, April 25
6:00 - 9:00 PM
South Main between Vance and GE Patterson
Artist Hosting Blacksmithing Workshops in Conjunction with Public Art Project
Saturday April 26
Saturday May 3
Saturday May 10
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Black Bayou, Goodman Street between Park and Douglass
Local artist John Golightly is offering the public an opportunity to help in the creation of public art by hosting four blacksmithing workshops for residents of the Normal Station neighborhood.
The workshops give neighbors the opportunity to play a major part in enhancing their community, and will give them the chance to become a blacksmith for a day as the help construct five scenic panels that were designed by Golightly.
Anyone who is interested in participating can contact the UrbanArt Commission at 901.525.0880.
The Black Bayou Fence project is a City of Memphis Percent-for-Art project, administered by the UrbanArt Commission.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
South Main Sidewalks to Receive Sandwich Board Makeover
April 25th – May 26th
Contact: Elizabeth Alley, 901-525-0880
Memphis College of Art MFA student, Dwayne Butcher, is helping to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the UrbanArt Commission by installing “sandwich board paintings” down the sidewalks of South Main Street. The boards, painted in a minimalist aesthetic with bright colors, will line the sidewalks of S. Main from Vance Avenue down to the Powerhouse at S. Main and G.E. Patterson.
This temporary installation, set to be up from April 25th through May 26th, is one of ten temporary public art projects being installed as part of the UrbanArt Commission’s 10th Anniversary celebration this spring.
For more information please contact: Elizabeth Alley, 901-525-0880.
Artist Hosting Blacksmithing Workshops in Conjunction with Public Art Project
April 26
May 3
May 10
Black Bayou, Goodman Street between Park and Douglass
Contact: Elizabeth Alley 901.525.0880
Local artist John Golightly is offering the public an opportunity to help in the creation of public art by hosting four blacksmithing workshops for residents of the Normal Station neighborhood.
The workshops give neighbors the opportunity to play a major part in enhancing their community, and will give them the chance to become a blacksmith for a day as the help construct five scenic panels that were designed by Golightly.
Anyone who is interested in participating can contact the UrbanArt Commission at 901.525.0880.
The Black Bayou Fence project is a City of Memphis Percent-for-Art project, administered by the UrbanArt Commission.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Studio Visit - April 16
6:00 PM
Marshall Arts
639 Marshall
Local artist Anthony Lee will open up his studio for public viewing and will discuss two of the projects that he has worked on for the UrbanArt Commission: Modern Hieroglyphs, which is a temporary project created for the UAC's 10th Anniversary celebration; and a project for Pierotti Park, which is a permanent art piece going into the public park as part of the City of Memphis' Percent-for-Art program.
Call the UrbanArt Commission for more details, 901.525.0880.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Please Join Us Tomorrow - April 11
Friday April 11
7:00 PM
Memphis College of Art Callicott Auditorium
1930 Poplar Avenue in Overton Park
The UrbanArt Commission, as part of their Arts Build Communities Grant through ArtsMemphis, is hosting a lecture and a screening of the documentary Third Ward, TX, produced by Memphis native Noland Walker.
The documentary focuses on Project Row Houses, a program founded by Houston artist Rick Lowe, which was established on the principle that art and the community creating it can “revitalize even the most depressed inner-city neighborhoods, for the mutual good of existing and future residents.” The program was designed, therefore, to create a sense of community through art, culture, and history in the Houston, TX Third Ward neighborhood.
In addition to Third Ward, TX, Walker has written, produced and directed two documentaries for the PBS series “The American Experience,” including Citizen King, which explores the last five years of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2007 he produced Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, about cult leader Jim Jones.
In conjunction with this screening and to express the story, process, and future of the Project Row Houses program, artist and community activist Rick Lowe will be giving a lecture on May 8th, also in the Callicott Auditorium, at 6:30 PM.
For more information contact Laura Caroline Johnson at (901) 525-0807.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Apply to This! Hurry!
Nashville International Airport
Nashville, TN
Submission Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2008, 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time
The Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority and Arts at the Airport announce a Call for Proposals for the Flying Solo Exhibition Series at Nashville International Airport. The exhibition opportunities are open to Tennessee artists or artists who have a strong connection to Tennessee.
The complete Call to Artists is available on the Nashville International Airport website The Direct link to the CFP is
Artists must comply with the submittal requirements described in the Call for Proposals to be considered.
Public Art Project in Boulder
University of Colorado at Boulder, Visual Arts Complex
The Colorado Council on the Arts, Art in Public Places Program and the University of Colorado – Boulder seek to commission an artist or artist team for the new Visual Arts Complex. The Visual Arts Complex includes both art instruction and an art museum and will create a Cultural Gateway for the campus. The artwork must have a compelling relationship with both art and architecture. The artwork should be conceptually and visually innovative and original. The art work selected must challenge the viewer to engage in conversation, communicate sophistication and should have the power to inspire for years to come.
$100,000 is available for all related expenses of this Public Art commission including artist fees, fabrication, insurance, shipping, travel, installation, documentation, etc.
The Visual Arts Complex includes both art instruction and an art museum and will create a Cultural Gateway for the University of Colorado Boulder campus. The Boulder campus architecture includes Colorado sandstone, multi-level roofs with red tile in both design and materials and the artwork must have a compelling relationship to both art and architecture. The artwork should be conceptually and visually innovative and original. The artwork can be located on the interior or the exterior and all media will be considered. The artwork selected must challenge the viewer to engage in conversation, communicate sophistication and should have the power to inspire for years to come. This opportunity is not limited to artists with an extensive public art background.
The Colorado Council on the Arts, Art in Public Places Program is contracting with CaFÉ™ ( to manage the submittal process for this RFQ. The applicant will be asked to submit 8 digital images, a resume, and an artist statement of no more that 2,000 characters. If applying as a team, please submit a one to two page resume for each artist on the team. There is no application fee to apply or to use the CaFÉ™ online application system. Applications must be submitted through CaFÉ™ to be considered.
Artist Opportunity - Temporary Project in Scottsdale
Call to Artists
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Temporary Artworks for the CBRE Bell Tower Partnership
New Exhibition Space @ the Bell Tower of the CBRE Building @ Scottsdale Civic Center
Pre-submission Reception: April 25, 2008
Application Deadline: May 16, 2008 (received by 5:00 pm)
Budget: up to $6,000 per project
Up to 3 projects for fiscal year July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
The Scottsdale Public Art Program seeks artists or artist teams to create a temporary public artwork for the Bell Tower at Civic Center Mall. The ideal artwork is one which is an unexpected and delightful encounter for visitors to the site.
To view the
Contact: Kirstin Van Cleef, Project Assistant, 480-994-2787 x1716 or
LA County Public Art
from LA Times

Countrywood/Fletcher Creek Park Workshop
5:30 PM
UrbanArt Commission office
8 S. 3rd St., Suite 100 (corner of 3rd & Madison)
The workshop is open to all artists who wish to learn more about the project and its guidelines. Drawings of the park will be available for viewing. The full guidelines for proposals can be found on the UAC website,, or by calling Laura Caroline Johnson, Project Coordinator, at 901-525-0880.
The budget for this artwork is $50,000. All artists who live in the tri-state area, which includes Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi, are invited to submit their proposals by 4:00 PM on Wednesday, May 7, 2008.
Save the Date!
6:00 PM
UrbanArt Commission Hosting Anthony Lee Studio Visit
Marshall Arts, 639 Marshall
Local artist Anthony Lee will be opening up his studio for public viewing on April 16th at 6 PM. Lee will be discussing two of the projects that he has worked on for UrbanArt: Modern Hieroglyphs, which was a temporary project created for the UAC’s 10th Anniversary celebration; and his Pierotti Park installation, which is a permanent art piece going into the public park as part of the City of Memphis’ Percent-for-Art program. Lee will be describing these projects and the process of fabricating and installing these works in coordination with the UAC. The studio is located at 639 Marshall Avenue (Marshall Arts) and all are welcome.
Call the UrbanArt Commission for more details, 901.525.0880.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Pastel Workshop
demos and hands on experience in the exciting medium of pastel.
Friday evening and all day Saturday. Limited to 8 people.
Registration is required. Instructor is Anne Enochs. Workshop will be held at
her studio in Bartlett.
call Anne at 383-9339 for more info or go to
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Save the Dates!
7:00 PM
UrbanArt Commission to Host Third Ward, TX Movie Screening
Memphis College of Art Callicott Auditorium
1930 Poplar Avenue in Overton Park
The UrbanArt Commission, as part of their Arts Build Communities Grant through ArtsMemphis, is hosting a lecture and a screening of the documentary Third Ward, TX, produced by Memphis native Noland Walker.
The documentary focuses on Project-Row Houses, a program founded by Houston artist Rick Lowe, which was established on the principle that art and the community creating it can “revitalize even the most depressed inner-city neighborhoods, for the mutual good of existing and future residents.” The program was designed, therefore, to create a sense of community through art, culture, and history in the Houston, TX Third Ward neighborhood.
In addition to Third Ward, TX, Walker has written, produced and directed two documentaries for the PBS series “The American Experience,” including Citizen King, which explores the last five years of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2007 he produced Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, about cult leader Jim Jones.
Thursday May 8
6:30 PM
UrbanArt Commission to Host Lecture by Artist Rick Lowe
Memphis College of Art Callicott Auditorium
1930 Poplar Avenue in Overton Park
In conjunction with the screening of Third Ward, TX, and to express the story, process, and future of the Project-Row Houses program, artist and community activist Rick Lowe will be giving a lecture on May 8th, also in the Callicott Auditorium, at 6:30 PM.
For more information contact Laura Caroline Johnson at (901) 525-0807.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
More UrbanArt Commission 10th Anniversary Projects!
Also in celebration of the UAC’s 10th Anniversary are the performance art pieces of Delbert Sisk. Beginning at noon every afternoon, Sisk’s performances will continue through the month of March. As the artist stands in front of historical statues and carries out “interactions” with them in various parks throughout the city, he brings a sense of humor and life to the unresponsive statues. Sisk’s final week of performances will be at Overton Park from March 25th through the 31st.
For more information please contact Elizabeth Alley at 901-525-0880, or visit our website at
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Art Opportunity for TN, AR, & MS Artists
Memphis, TN
Deadline: 5/7/08
The UrbanArt Commission (UAC) is seeking an artist to create a fun and unique public art enhancement for Countrywood Park, soon to be renamed Fletcher Creek Park. The top three residential priorities for the installation include: promoting community interaction and bringing people of all ages together, linking the project with the surrounding environment, and including an innovative educational aspect. The location within the park and nature of the enhancement is to be left up to the artist.
The budget for this artwork is $50,000. All artists who live in the tri-state area, which includes Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi, are invited to submit their proposals by 4:00 PM on Wednesday, May 7, 2008. Also, a workshop will be held at the UrbanArt Commission office at 8 S. Third St., Suite 100 at 5:30 PM, Monday, April 7, and is open to all artists who wish to learn more about the project and its guidelines.
The full guidelines for proposals can be found on the UAC website,, or by calling Laura Caroline Johnson, Project Coordinator, at 901-525-0880.
Please Join Us
The UrbanArt Commission’s First Project: The Central Library
March 25, 2008
5:30 PM
Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library
The UrbanArt Commission began in late 1997 to administer what is still one of its largest projects to date, the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library. On Tuesday, March 25 at 5:30 PM, the Central Library will host a panel discussion about the library as the UAC’s first project. The panel will include former executive director Carissa Hussong, artist Nancy Cheairs, artist Jeane Umbreit and others. The program includes a slide presentation of the artwork at the Central Library, plus discussion of how the project started and how it spurred the development of the UAC, how the artists were selected, and what it was like for artists to work with architects for the first time.
This panel discussion is happening in conjunction with the exhibit, 10 Years of Public Art in Public Libraries, which takes a look back at drawings and models from projects the UAC has done in City of Memphis libraries, on view March 3-31.
For more information please contact: Elizabeth Alley, 901-525-0880. For more information on our 10th Anniversary, please visit our website.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Cool Possible Public Art Material

From Cool Hunting:
Mixing glow-in-the-dark particles with flooring materials, the Dutch company S. Lövenstein BV created one of those no-fuss design fixes that improves safety and convenience. The substance has limitless applications for things like signage or guide strips with the ability to be evenly and seamlessly distributed throughout a surface and masked into shapes and patterns. Integrated with contrasting colors, it serves a purpose in both light and darkness or it can be used strategically so that it only shows up when the lights are off—making it particularly useful in emergency situations. Maintenance free, it's a far superior alternative to complicated lighting systems that need energy and require wiring.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Call to Artists for Austin, TX
Municipal Court/Police Substation Project.
Public Art Budget: $210,000
Deadline to Submit Statement of Intent with Qualifications: May 2, 2008
Call to Artists and Application System for Austin Public Art (ASAP!) available at
The City of Austin Art in Public Places (AIPP) program of the Cultural Arts Division seeks to commission an artist or artist team to create art for the new Municipal Court/Police Substation facility. AIPP requests a statement of intent with qualifications from professional visual artists who live or work within the United States. Up to three finalists will be selected to travel to Austin to meet with the project team, learn about the site and artwork opportunities and present their qualifications to an interviewing panel. One artist or artist team will be selected for the project.
This facility will constitute an adaptive reuse of a former big box retail store located near IH-35 and St. Johns in North Central Austin, and will house the municipal court and also provide space for a police substation. The construction will be part of a design-build process, with the artist participating in the design process as it progresses. Multi-media, digital media and other innovative approaches are encouraged.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Positive Feedback for Blue Parkway
From the Commercial Appeal's letters to the editor:
It's the river. Get it?
A few people have noticed a change in Midtown -- hundreds of trees on the parkways wrapped in blue bands. This temporary public art project by Tad Lauritzen Wright, part of the UrbanArt Commission's 10th anniversary celebration, is intended to make people see the environment in a new way.
It is unfortunate that a few people jumped to conclusions without stopping to take a closer look at the work. Assuming the city was planning to remove the trees, one parkway resident started removing the blue bands. On South Parkway, Tad and his volunteer installation team were threatened and told to go back to Germantown. The artist and most of his team live in Midtown. Tad even spent the last few years living on North Parkway, a fact that helped inspire this project.
It does not take a lot of thought to figure out that the blue represents the river and that the artist wanted to bring the river into the city. Unless we live or work Downtown, we often forget that the river is there. But it is the reason all of us are here, regardless of where we live in the tri-state region.
The work also speaks to another key element that defines our city -- trees. The blue line highlights how many trees there are along the Parkways. I am glad someone cares enough about the trees to take action should they be threatened. But as a city of trees we are doing far too little to ensure that we have a healthy green canopy 20 years from now.
Many of our trees are at the end of their life cycles. If we don't take care of our existing trees and replace those that have died, we will lose a key part of what makes Memphis such a special place.
Carissa Hussong
Monday, March 10, 2008
Call to Artists for Port of Los Angeles
The Port of Los Angeles is seeking artists qualified to collaborate with the design team of EDAW Inc. to create a site specific permanent outdoor public art component within the scope of the Cabrillo Way Marina project, San Pedro, CA. The competition is open to professional artists who have the experience, vision and skills required to complete the commission within the aggressive time schedule to the highest standards of artistic innovation and technical expertise.
The budget for the commission is $250,000 and includes all costs associated with, but not limited to: artist’s design fees, project materials for fabrication, travel (once selected), insurance, engineering, installation and documentation.
Once artists are short-listed, a conceptual verbal description of your vision for the project will be required in the interview process.
For a full description of the RFQ, including Artist’s Scope of Work, Eligibility, Budget, Approach, Timeline, Selection Process and Criteria, Submission Requirements, and Contact Information go to:
The entire RFQ is posted at the Port of Los Angeles website:
Need additional information? Contact Fine Arts Services LLC: