Monday, February 2, 2015

MAP's Public Art Challenge

Memphis Art Project
The Memphis Art Project ( is a beautifully designed, mobile-friendly, way-finding device that provides photos, descriptions, and locations for a growing number of public art pieces in Memphis. MAP is managed by staff and students in the Rhodes College Visual Resources Center, and is funded by grants from the Center for Outreach and Development in the Arts at Rhodes. After years of development, MAP launched in 2014 and is ready to help the people of Memphis explore the creative landmarks that the city has to offer.
The crew in the Rhodes College Visual Resource Center is working on a campaign to raise awareness for the Memphis Art Project, including promoting the website on Instagram and Twitter. On Saturday, April 25th, the Memphis Art Project will host a city-wide Instagram Public Art Challenge. Instagram users that post the most/best/funniest photos of public art in Memphis throughout the day with the tags @memphisartproject and #memphisartproject in the description will win prizes. MAP will have a booth at the Vollintine-Evergreen art walk   to promote the event.
Check out the website at
Follow MAP on Instagram @memphisartproject and Twitter @memphisartprjct